Course overview
Bearing witness to the influence of accelerated human activities on the environment, society, corporations, and governments are progressively becoming more environmentally enlightened. Yet, we are at the threshold of a society that ostensibly envisions a Net Zero future, but may not be equipped with a clear directive to execute a formalised action plan. Project delivery frameworks provide a structured methodology that has the potential to influence policy and decision makers to evoke realistic and foreseeable change. This will see the implementation of sustainable interventions modelled after best-practice approaches that optimise economic, social and environmental returns for a greener and more inclusive world.
Modules - 2024
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Meet the instructor
Patrick Jones
Patrick Jones is a content marketing professional since 2002. He has a Masters Degree in Digital Marketing and a Bachelors in Education and has been teaching marketing strategies for over 15 years in Chicago. Patrick enjoys teaching all levels and all ages. He looks forward to sharing his love of building meaningful and effective content with all students to develop their marketing abilities.